here's how the bus ride went on the way there :-D i mean, it was a good time. on the way to belfast, one of the irish lads turned to me and said, can i ask a question? "sure," i replied. "why is no one drinking on the bus!?" ...
so on THIS trip.. i was one of two americans on this bus =D you can see me in the back there behind cian with the guitar..
here's the skyscape on the coast of kerry where we were staying... this was saturday. sunday it was a monsoon.
friday night was messy. and amazing. we had about a barrel and half of jungle juice. i was safe, of course... but part of the festivities was a constest to see who could hold up the barrel of jungle juice for the longest. (i think i lasted about 15 seconds...)
i also think i told some of you that we happened to put a hole through the bath? welll, here it is. the captain told the people from whom he rented the houses it was a canoe anchor....
yeah so they'll never let the UCC canoe club back ever.
i swear i had nothing to do with any of this. but it's still funny... (willie the captain told the people from whom we rented the houses that the footprints on the ceiling were from the anti-gravity boots...)
this is the only other picture i have of me.
best part of saturday morning.
here we are getting ready to get into the river on saturday...
saturday night was a blast as well... we went out on the dunes and made a campfire. it was class. some of the lads stayed there until the sun had risen, and if i had waited 15 more minutes, i'd have been with them, but... i was cold. they also decided it was a brilliant idea to cook sausages upon a piece of plastic within the fire, and they got the taste of plasticy, charcoally, half-cooked sausage. however, they have decided in years past that no matter what you eat jack's weekend, it is impossible to get food poison. specialists in the case have theorized that it is due to the extrobinant amount of drink imbibed.
as for sunday, more of the bus ride back... and then we stopped at a pub midway to watch the game. we landed right where we started- cissie young's pub on barrick street. there we stayed for a few more hours, and then we went back to willie's house as the night went on. we created a concoction to please the masses, with these results:
this is where willie, the captain, landed on sunday night. i'll have it be known that his bed is actually in the room over, complete with duvet, pillows, and warmth. apparently he prefers fetal position in the corner... :)
sorry i have no pictures of us on the river, but one cannot carry a camera and swim at the same time. (not that i took any of these pictures :-P )
i actually took all of them from the german in the group who carries a camera eeeeeeverywhere. those germans :) it was a blast.
next update i will have for you of the canoe club is going to be the 12 pubs of christmas, planned for this tuesday. oh i anticipate some interesting photos there. i'll also try and get some pictures up of the water polo match i have on sunday.
i love you all and have to jet to class!