i guess today is just a super productive day for me... but european travels are deservedly worth putting up online. :)
we stopped at tesco's on the way out for some essentials, leaving the car looking like this:
sarah w-s came to visit me abroad. she's brilliant. but it provided for serious back-seat adventures on the, what, 7 hour drive from cork to easkey, in county donegal.
the first night we got there it was rainy and absolutely gross- as well as everyone else already having achieved their goal of chasing sobriety away for the evening. however, the next day provided little surf and a river to challenging for a mere fresher such as myself.
sarah and i explored the castle instead. :)
however the nights' activities were as they should be when one is with a group of paddlers from cork....
it started with a beautiful sunset that i captured with some essentials in the foreground... hehe
you see, at easkey, the clubs captaincy is passed down to the new committee. for ucccc, this meant a celebration of willy and his exploits. we were so kind as to get him what he really desired....
a gift certificate to munster dive and canoe so that he could get a paddle. :-D
international love
sunday was beautiful. there was a close by section of the easkey river that we were all able to do.
here's me! woooo!
here, noelle is trying to explain to willy (still drunk from the night before) something of utmost importance.
probably along the lines of: "it's cold, willy, wouldja put some pants on??"
the river poured out into the ocean where there was a tiny bit of surf :) i would have liked a liiiiitle more, but, it broke on a reef, which was a little scary for someone who wasn't entirely experienced.
the sunset was beautiful again. bean, one of the paddlers from dubland, took this picture.
that night was more drunk adventuring, the way it should be done ;) me and shiv
at one point, sarah w-s, ally, and i went to go sit near the ocean and just sing songs we all knew because we were sad. i was sat to have to leave, ally missed the ocean, and sarah w-s just graduated ( i think she was more exited than sad, though, but she likes to sing too )
the following morning was defo a late one. we were all exhausted after the previous session, so it wasn't till afternoon that we actually awoke. here's another picture bean took:
before we were capable of cleaning up and driving back, i came back to the campsite after breakfast to see willy chasing cian around the site with a huge dead fish someone found on the beach. there was lots of screaming and running, from all parties involved.
clearly.. it was kind of gross...
it was a good weekend, all in all. a good trip, too, i'd say. :)
i do miss it....
alright, i'll get the pictures from this past jack's weekend, as well as some photos from my road trip across the uk up here eventually.
hehe, whenever that may be.
love, chris