Wednesday, October 04, 2006

line 'em up, line 'em all up...

if there is one thing the irish love to do, it's queue. any and every opportunity for a queue is taken with relish. i've actually watched folks walk past a perfectly working ATM on the street to join the queue at the next one over. it's as if the community act of impatiently waiting in line is a bonding experience that they can't miss out on.

this having been said, i spent all of today and yesterday wandering all over cork city for one queue or another trying to get my PPSN (social security number) and a job. the ss office is worse than the DMV office back home. it's just not my deal... i'm so glad i brought a book. the good news, though, is that i'm waitressing at a place just around the corner.

much love,

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