Tuesday, January 30, 2007

visiting hours

some of you know that the whole crew came over recently to visit me and brighten my january days... therefore, i've got some pictures to share and prove that not all i do is related to the canoe club and its craziness.

some of it is related to my sister and HER craziness. but we love it, don't we? :-D

We spent some time bopping around blarney castle:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting behind my goofy face you can see the image of the castle itself

actually, from the very top of it, once we got there, there was this gorg rainbow that just came out of the sky... to be honest, i haven't seen too many of them since i've gotten here. probably because i spend most of my time indoors in the rain.
you know, though, when i went on my homestay weekend, ages ago, one of those girls was like "i bet all you americans just go outside and GAWK at the rainbows when you get them!"
i was like:
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the image walking into the castle... what a beautiful day...
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and, of course, the castle itself:
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as well as blarney, we were in dublin for a few days... here's someone you should recognize:
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this is most def my favorite picture of the group. most definitely. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

a little bit of temple bar goofiness on a flower.
those flower childrenwannabehippiedirtyfolk.
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ANNNND finally, we may have spent some time in a pub or two.
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which was cohen's favorite part. that is, and sleeping, of course.
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and o'course, julie res! yaaaaaay!
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sea star time!
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hmmm i def got lazy at the end of this entry. we also had a house party on the night of the 6th, i've got a few pictures from that, i'll put them up maybe when or when i don't get around to it.

love you all!

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